This seems odd to say for someone who has just finished a 52,900-word thesis, but I miss writing. Well, I miss free-flowing and creative writing. Academic writing scratches a certain itch, but doesn't quite satisfy the desire.
I’m also a sucker for new year's resolutions - not the go the gym more or eat better kind - but something that gives me a focused challenge. So V helped me out and suggested that for each day of this year I post to this blog. He sweetened the deal by promising that for each month I make good on this resolution, he will give me some small gift. I was the one who suggested the 365 word-count total for each day, just to add that extra little challenge. And thus I have the perfect 2011 resolution - a motivation to write more + anticipated rewards.
Today is new year’s day. Ever since I was about 12 years-old I have been writing a letter to myself at the new year and opening it at midnight on Dec 31. It always gave me something to look forward to, no matter what else was, or was not, going on. Each letter was a mix of anticipation, reflection, and hope. Reading them always brought a sense of nostalgia, a recognition of who I was and still am. Things may have changed over the course of the year and yet I was the constant throughout.
I still have these letters. Often the envelopes would include other papers with such records as goals, significant events from the previous years, lists of friends and favourite things. When I was about 13 I wrote out the titles of the radio’s Top 20 hits. Later on I would list the boys I’d kissed. These letters sketch out the highs and lows, the dreams and regrets of more than 20 years.
My life in the last few months has revolved around thesis and Miya. Everything else has been tossed into cluttered piles. It is not surprising that I can’t find the letter to Anita of 2011. So I maybe should be adding another new year’s resolution – organize the clutter and find that letter before Dec 31.
I too have a new year's resolution -- to reply to every posting you make. Of course I can't use 365 words per reply, so I'll have to scale it down and use 36 and a ha
ReplyDeleteI fully suppose any endeavor that results in V buying you more gifts!