On the other hand, you won’t be surprised since growing a mustache would be for a good cause – raising funds and awareness for cancer, especially the number one male cancer - prostate cancer.
The ‘Movember’ campaign began in Australia in 2004 by Adam Garone who encouraged men to “groom, trim and wax their way into the annals of fine mustachery” and raise money, through sponsorship, for men’s health issues, especially cancers affecting men. .
According to the Movember Canada website: “We want everyone to know that most cancers are highly curable if caught in the early stages - including prostate and testicular cancer. Movember aims to increase early detection, diagnosis and effective treatment, as this will ultimately reduce the number of deaths from cancer. It’s time men face the startling health facts.”
In a Globe and Mail interview, Garone describe mustaches as ‘the hairy ribbon’ for prostate cancer – comparing it to the popular pink ribbon for breast cancer. He points out that women have been successful in moving breast cancer into the public arena and thinks men need to similarly break the stigma around prostate cancer and raise its public profile.
On average, 11 Canadian men will die of prostate cancer every day and testicular cancer is the most common cancer in young men in Canada between the ages of 15-29.
Last year, the ‘Mos Bros’ (with support from the women in their lives, the ‘Mos Sistas’), raised $76.8 million (Canadian) globally – which includes $22.3 million from the Canadian campaign.
But besides raising money for research and awareness of these diseases, Movember seems like a good excuse to have fun experimenting with mustaches. The idea is to start clean shaven on Nov 1, let a mustache grow for a week, then start sculpting it into shape. V is talking ‘reverse goatee’, ‘dapper Frenchman’ or ‘stylish porn star’.
So, any guys out there who want to join my husband in some Movember growth?
I'm in! And may the best handlebar win.